Ample parking, but none is marked accessible. Route to bathrooms from here is a combination of sand and grass; uneven terrain. Ladies’ and men's bathrooms do not have ADA-compliant toilets. Women's bathroom has grab bars, while Men's does not. Flat entrance to men's room but not to the women's unless you access it from the men's side. Accessible boat ramp. East Bay bike path entrance, but route to access the path is not smooth and is difficult to navigate.
Entrance through gate at far end of parking lot. No bathrooms. 1 small, 1 large field only accessible traveling over grass. No paved paths.
Parking and routes of travel are grass and dirt.
Unmarked parking on gravel. Paved path to fields and playground.
Bike path accessible. Sports and recreation areas. Call ahead for access to community center where main floor is accessible. Fields and concession stand difficult to access.
Gravel parking with no marked parking. Narrow paved path through park.
No marked parking, gravel paths to ball fields, basketball court. Paved walking trail. Open April-October.
Small accessible park with paved path to enter park and around playground. Accessible swing.
No marked accessible parking. 2 tennis courts, basketball court, baseball field and playground area. All would be difficult to access due to unlevel terrain and inclines. Small porta john available.