Free parking in private lot, which includes multiple handicapped spaces. The Gamm is one level from parking to front row. Very accommodating for wheelchair users. Assistive Listening Devices available.
No marked parking. Access to path from parking lot would be difficult. 1/4 mile paved path around park with fields and courts.
Parking lot not marked for accessible/van accessible parking but there’s plenty of room to maneuver. Ramp into museum is not ADA compliant but manageable. Accessible bathrooms are located in the private school next to the museum.
Designated accessible parking spaces on corners of Washington and Empire. Assistive listening system and ASL performances available. If elevator becomes inoperable there is a designated group of staff assigned to physically assist those who require wheelchairs.
Trails through refuge wide enough for scooters, as is entrance to information center. Bathroom is a Porta-John accessible for either wheelchair or scooter. An accessible platform with viewing scope for the disabled.
Scenic overlook of pond, covered picnic areas (unpaved path), accessible playground, ball fields and courts.